Category: Spoxel

Spoxel Released on Steam

What a long strange trip it has been! After 7 years, two rewrites, and more hours and bug fixes than I would like to count… Spoxel is now release on Steam. I made Spoxel in part because games like Terraria didn’t cut it for me. I wanted a game where I could design spells or…
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March 28, 2019 0

Steam Page Live!

What a long trip it has been to get to this point and we still have farther yet to go! The steam store page for Spoxel is now live Steam Page Link. You can go check it out and wishlist the game! Also, be sure to check out our discord for more news and to request beta access.

November 22, 2017 0

Carving out the world

World generation is pretty important in a game like Spoxel. Since the entire world is generated from scratch it needs to be not only engaging but also interesting to look at. Many moons ago, when Spoxel was but a young game I had been using perlin noise to generate the world. That worked to a…
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November 1, 2017 0

I’m dyeing to show you this

Spoxel is all about customization and making cool stuff. To that end, I couldn’t possibly release the game without some way to customize the color of all your loot! So I’ve added dye tubs to the game which allow you to set the primary and secondary dye colors of weapons, armor, and other stuff. Why…
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September 29, 2017 0

Advanced Crafting Mega Update

Time for a mega update! While I haven’t spent a lot of time updating the blog I have spent a lot of time working on the game! Only a handful of tasks remain before I mark it as an alpha! I made some good progress with the advanced crafting interface and other interface improvements. When…
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October 7, 2014 0

Furnace and Ores

Some good progress has been made but certain things were delayed since I had a surgery two weeks ago. I finished the new “furnace” system. You can now smelt ore into bars using wood as fuel. This was actually a pretty big change in order to get this working correctly and sync correctly to multiple players.…
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May 14, 2014 0

The Beginning of Something Magical

This week has been mainly another bug fixing week but I put some development into new content. I fixed a few more of the remaining subsystems in the game engine and fixed a number of serious bugs that caused a lot of extraneous processing. Overall, I am pretty happy with how that work has come…
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April 30, 2014 0

On Pivoting and Killing My Productivity

It has been a pretty busy few months. About 4 months ago I made the decision to pivot on the engine design for Spoxel. It wasn’t a decision I made lightly, but it needed to be done. I was getting pretty close to a beta release but as I added more and more items I…
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April 15, 2014 0

Dev Update

I’ve been pretty busy between Life and working on Spoxel, but a lot of work has been done. I spent some time reworking my project plan so I can get a better idea of what I have left to work on so I can be a bit more efficient. One of the biggest changes is…
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October 23, 2013 0

Dev update

Since the last dev update I have taken a pretty big pass on how the crafting system works. I can now assign items to different categories that require you to be near certain blocks to craft them. For example, if you want to smelt copper ore into copper bricks you will need to stand near…
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June 26, 2013 0